BP Clenbuterol

Active substance: Clenbuterol
Other names: Clenbuterol, Astralean, Airclen, Clenbutaxyl, Clen
Active half-life: up to 34 hours
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is an excellent thermogenic, but it is not a magical fat loss substance. It will help you burn calories at a higher rate, but you will still need to burn more calories than you take in if you are going to lose body fat.
Effects of Clenbuterol:
The effects of Clenbuterol on the asthmatic patient are as straightforward as can be. Use of the bronchodilator opens up the airways and enables the individual to breath. There are other breathing disorders that can benefit from Clenbuterol use, but asthma appears to be primary, and it is often a welcomed medication to those who suffer. This same improved breathing could also prove useful to some athletes, especially those who can benefit from enhanced cardiovascular endurance.
As a thermogenic, the effects of Clenbuterol are again very simple. As the body temperature increases, which again is due to the beta-2 stimulation, the individual is now able to burn calories at an enhanced rate. Body temperature goes up, the metabolism is enhanced, fat cells are stimulated due to the increase in temperature due to the now enhanced metabolism, the breakdown of triglycerides is now enhanced and fat loss occurs. It’s hard to get any simpler than that.
While Clenbuterol is a powerful fat loss agent, it is not magical and will not make a fat physique lean on its own. You still have to diet in order to lose body fat, and if you don’t, no fat loss will occur. In fact, even if you’re using Clenbuterol you will still find you need to diet just as hard as you would without it if you are going to lose body fat. It’s not going to melt fat off your frame, but it can rev up the metabolism and help you burn fat at a more effective and efficient rate. If you are obese or at least significantly overweight, your best bet is to forgo Clenbuterol use until you are at least a little leaner. The best time to use Clen is once you’re already fairly lean in an effort to help you rid that last little body fat that often hangs on for dear life. It’s commonly used the last 8-10 weeks leading up to a competition, sometimes a little longer, but regardless of the specific time frame the individual is normally already fairly lean.
Side effects:
Jittery, shaky hands, increased sweating, headaches, nausea, muscle cramps, insomnia, depletes taurine, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, trembling and even panic.
How to use:
In a therapeutic setting, Clenbuterol doses will most commonly be 20mcg per day, with some requiring 40mcg per day.
In a performance setting as a thermogenic, Clenbuterol doses will start low and generally increase overtime due to a down regulation of the beta-receptor. Most men will find starting at 40mcg per day to be perfect. Many women may also be fine with this starting dose, but many will be far more comfortable with a starting dose of 20mcg per day. As the body adapts, the dose will need to increase in order to maintain the full fat loss benefits.
Balkan is my go to, great product!
Good stuff highly recommend this clen
Great stuff start low dose if not I get the shakes and anxiousness if I start running It’s like you have a third lung lol
Quality gear! Recommend. Excellent results.
Been using this for years it's definitely my go to doing my cut you will not be disappointed
is a great product and works well
Great! Always quality, service good as ever
Good clean, BP is a brand a trust.
Fast delivery , works great
I love BP clen. I wish it was in stock more often.