Oral vs Injectable steroids: Top 10 sales at ASHOP

Oral vs Injectable steroids: Top 10 sales at  ASHOP

There are hundreds of steroids variations found in nature, but of course, for our purposes we’re only concerned with anabolic androgenic steroids. Within this group, again we have numerous types of steroids; numerous forms, variations and derivatives, and there are so many it can at times seem a little overwhelming.


Oral Steroids

Of the many types of anabolic steroids there are many oral steroids we have to choose from and of the many oral steroids there are various traits, benefits and purposes. Although oral steroids serve a purpose, in general for most male anabolic steroid users they should not be the foundation in-which their use is built upon. Anabolic steroids shut down your natural testosterone production and due to this fact most cycles should be built around exogenous testosterone use.

When speaking of oral steroids - in general they should only be used for 6 to 8 weeks at a time due to the fact they are a bit more hepatotoxic than injectables. It is also important to keep in mind oral steroids generally carry with them a much shorter half-life than the many injectable steroids; for this reason daily use is generally needed to receive the maximum benefit.


Injectable Steroids

With oral and injectable steroids being the most common and the most important, it will be the injectable forms that hold the most distinguished position among the pack.

Of all the various forms of anabolic androgenic steroids of which you will find there are many, you will find many come in both oral and injectable form. By and large the injectable forms will provide more stability; they will largely provide better gains and in many cases will carry higher levels of toleration in the realm of side-effects and safety.

Its no secret, anabolic androgenic steroids carry with them possible adverse side-effects. Almost all oral anabolic steroids possess this hepatic nature due simply to the nature of their existence. The good news is that  injectable steroids do not carry this trait with the exception of injectable Winstrol (Winstrol Depot) as it is also a c17-aa anabolic steroid. This means that through the use of injectable steroids over oral steroids we create less stress for our body.


The Bottom Line:

In the end both oral and injectable steroids have their place in the performance enhancers arsenal. Both forms of steroids have abilities and both can offer benefits the other cannot but it remains injectables are of a greater importance. Without injectable steroids we would not be able to continuously progress. As is with all anabolic steroids, be they injectable steroids or oral steroids, the key to success is education and responsible use.


With all of this in mind, we will present you the types of steroids you might actually use, ones that are actually a possibility for the majority. In doing so, we present you the Best Sellers at Ashop:


  1. Testosterone Enanthate vs Testosterone Cypionate

While testosterone is the foundation of all well-founded steroid stacking plan, it is also one of the most beneficial substances we can choose. Testosterone is extremely versatile and can provide benefits to any cycle for any purpose.

While many options exist for testosterone therapy, two of the most popular injectable forms of testosterone are cypionate and enanthate.

Similarities consist of them both being slow-acting synthetic versions of testosterone that mimic natural testosterone. They both treat symptoms of low testosterone in men and both may have side effects.

The main difference between them is that Cypionate is active for longer than Enanthate. Also, Enanthate may produce higher levels of water retention. Statistically speaking, Cypionate is more popular in the U.S. than Enanthate.


  1. Nandrolone Decanoate vs Boldenone Undecylenate

Nandrolone D is used by bodybuilders to bulk up. Deca is easy on the liver and unarguably one of the best performance enhancing drugs for promoting strength, muscle size, and wet gains. Deca Durabolin is characterized by a very low rate of aromatization that makes it ideal even for athletes who are prone to estrogenic side effects. Deca Durabolin is more suited to longer steroid cycles.

Boldenone is an extremely anabolic and moderately androgenic steroid that stimulates appetite and has the unmatched ability of increasing endurance. Equipoise can add quality lean mass gains, but they will not come overnight, and will fall short of many anabolic steroids.

Considered by a big majority of bodybuilders as a dream steroid, Deca Durabolin is superior to Equipoise. This is primarily because Deca is better than EQ in terms of retention of muscle mass and body strength gains. However, Deca users should always follow a very strict post cycle therapy to protect against excess estrogen. Also, there`s a big downside - Deca stays in the body for a long time (approximately 2 years).

Equipoise is preferred by experienced athletes and bodybuilders who can be satisfied with moderate gains that are sustainable. While Equipoise is associated with androgenic side effects like hair loss, growth of body and facial hair, and acne, Deca Durabolin is often associated with gynecomastia and fluid retention. EQ can be a part of longer cycles. The fact that Equipoise promotes red blood cell production and stimulates appetite slightly puts it ahead of Deca.


  1. Oxandrolone vs Stanozolol

Oxandrolone is popular among athletes, bodybuilders, and individuals looking to enhance their physical performance. It is known for its ability to promote lean muscle mass, increase strength, and improve athletic performance.

Oxa has a relatively mild anabolic effect, meaning it promotes muscle growth and enhances protein synthesis. It is often used during cutting cycles to preserve lean muscle mass while reducing body fat. It is also considered to have a low risk of causing significant water retention and has a low androgenic rating. Oxandrolone is typically taken orally in tablet form.

Stanozolol is well-known in the athletic and bodybuilding communities for its performance-enhancing effects. It is commonly used to improve athletic performance, increase muscle mass and enhance strength. It is favored by athletes looking to achieve a lean and dry appearance due to its ability to reduce water retention. 

Stanozolol exhibits strong anabolic effects and also has moderate androgenic effects. Stanozolol is available in both oral and injectable forms. The oral form is more commonly used due to its convenience, but the injectable form can be used as well.

Stanozolol and Oxandrolone are both popular anabolic steroids and while they share some similarities, there are also important differences between the two. Winstrol is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT), whereas Anavar is a modified form of testosterone. Winstrol is known for its strong anabolic effects, meaning it promotes muscle growth and enhances protein synthesis, but also has moderate androgenic properties, which can contribute to increased strength. Anavar, on the other hand, has a more mild anabolic effect but is known for its low androgenic activity, making it a popular choice for both men and women.

Stanozol is often favored by athletes who want to achieve a lean and dry appearance, as it has a tendency to reduce water retention and promote a more defined physique. Oxa, while also known for its ability to preserve lean muscle mass, does not typically cause significant water retention. Both are considered to be relatively mild steroids with fewer androgenic side effects.


  1. Trenbolone Acetate

During the cutting phase there is no anabolic steroid on earth as Trenbolone Acetate. This is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids available when it comes to the cutting phase and preserving lean tissue.

By supplementing with Trenbolone Acetate, we ensure that muscle mass is protected, and body fat is burned at a higher and more efficient rate. The enhanced fat burning is due to the steroid’s ability to promote a more powerful metabolism and even promote direct fat loss due to the strong binding affinity to the androgen receptor. This steroid will have stronger conditioning effects like hardness, definition, and vascularity.


  1. Tadalafil (Esculap, Cialis)

While this is not a steroid, it is definitely a Top Rated product and very often requested.

Tadalafil is one of the most popular erectile dysfunction (ED) medications on the market and is most commonly associated with the brand name Cialis. It is very similar to the popular ED medication Viagra with the biggest difference being the drug’s active life. Tadalafil carries an active half-life of approximately 18 hours. It does not produce erections on its own, sexual stimulation must still exist, but it will ensure an erection can be maintained if blood flow issues were preventing it before.


  1. Sustanon

This is without question the most popular and well known blend ever made.

During an off-season bulking cycle is one of the best times to use Sustanon. High testosterone levels create the perfect atmosphere for muscle growth and enhancing metabolic rate. A cutting cycle is also a good time to supplement with Sustanon. Due to its tremendously powerful anabolic nature this hormone will protect lean muscle tissue.

High testosterone levels are very beneficial to athletes as recovery and endurance are key components to athletic performance. As a bonus, Sustanon will increase the individual’s strength, again a key component to athletic success.


  1. Oxymetholone

Oxymetholone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Many athletes had claimed the strength and weight increases had been very substantial within a short period of time. This characteristic had allowed the compound of Anapolon to be a very popular choice of oral steroidal compounds amongst many athletes, primarily those of the male gender.

The effects of this steroid are without question some of the strongest among anabolic steroids. Oxymetholone is largely considered one of the most powerful steroids in existence with fast results. It is one of the premier mass building steroids, and it will significantly boost the individual’s strength. This steroid is so rapidly powerful that it is not uncommon for the individual to gain as much as 20-30lbs in as little as 4-6 weeks of total use.


  1. Trenbolone Enanthate

Beyond the structural nature of Trenbolone, Trenbolone Enanthate carries the Enanthate ester. The ester does not affect the traits of the hormone, it will affect the hormone’s release time post injection, which will be much slower than the Acetate version.

This anabolic steroid has the ability to promote true lean tissue growth at a rate far above and beyond most anabolic steroids. More importantly, it will do so in a cleaner way than most steroids. Many steroids associated with off-season bulking often promote large amounts of water retention, but this is avoidable with Tren. Every pound of weight gained due to the use of this hormone will be pure lean muscle mass. Of equal importance, the individual will find he gains less body fat during his off-season phase due to this steroid’s tremendous metabolic enhancement and fat burning properties.


  1. Clomiphene

Clomiphene is an antiestrogenic drug of nonsteroidal structure. It blocks estrogen-sensitive receptors and enhances the secretion of gonadotropic hormones. Also it promotes increased testosterone production in men. In case of high concentration of estrogens, it acts as an antiestrogen, and at a low concentration produces an estrogenic effect.

Furthermore, Clomiphene can also be taken by men, but for completely different purposes. Both amateurs and professional athletes use this medication quite often. Athletes often use a variety of other chemicals, such as anabolic steroids, hCG, tamoxifen, thyroid hormones, etc. As opposed to other anabolic steroids or hormones, the drug does not lower testosterone level. Conversely by LH burst, it increases the level of testosterone.


  1. Proviron

Proviron represents one of the oldest anabolic androgenic steroids on the market. In a performance capacity, Proviron is not used to promote large buildups in mass, although it can serve an important purpose during such a phase of training.

We will, however, find Proviron to be far more common in cutting cycles, but once again its purpose will be somewhat unique. This steroid has the ability to provide a bit of a hardening effect similar to Masteron, but more importantly the hardening effects of other steroids will be enhanced. Proviron also enables the individual to burn body fat at a far more efficient rate. We must consider and the anti-estrogen effect of Proviron – it ensures the individual is less prone to water retention and it could negate the need for a traditional anti-estrogen. In the end, the primary base benefit is the increased androgenicity of other steroids being used in order to promote a much harder and far more defined physique. It should be noted that while Proviron can most certainly provide these traits they will not be noticeable unless you are lean.
