Do I need AAS?

Should I Begin Taking Anabolic Steroids?
The generally accepted criteria for starting the use AAS' is as follows:
  1. Research and obtain a very good understanding of what you are considering putting in your body PRIOR to your cycle.
  2. If you are under 25 years old it is possible to incur permanent damage from a cycle; there is also a greater risk of unwanted side effects.
  3. Do not run a cycle without having a PCT and an AI on hand. If you "can't afford" either, then you can not afford to run a cycle.
  4. The best first cycle is a simple first cycle. As more experience is gained and you learn how your body reacts to gear, cycles can become more complex. Adding two previously unused elements to a cycle makes it impossible to know which thing may be causing issues. Grow into your dose.
  5. Steroids are magic. But just like any spell, this magic doesn't work without the right incantation. That incantation, in this case, is a very good exercise program and a diet. With these two in place, keep your expectations reasonable and you'll be happy.
  6. For your cycle duration, remain aware of how your body is reacting both physically and emotionally. If something feels "off" or "not right", and it's not a known side, it probably isn't right. Typical beginner cycles make people feel very good overall.
Can't I Do This Naturally?
You will reach a genetic potential maximum with regards to strength and size. There are often people giving advice to "reach your genetic maximum potential first" before using gear. Some give and promote this advice, some do not. This advice is preference.
Natural vs Steroids
Why Young People Should Not Take AAS
When you are under 21, your endocrine system is still developing. This should be obvious as you are still going through the end of puberty, getting acne, etc. During this time period, supplementing with exogenous hormones is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. There is potential for very serious and long term side effects to occur. We hear all the time some of these people saying that "I've stopped growing, so it's okay". No - it's not okay. There are many other potential side effects besides growth plates. Here is a list of a few.
  1. Premature Closing of Growth Plates: This one is the most known about. Even if you think you have stopped growing, there still is a potential for height increase over time. Scientists have found that growth plates don't fuse completely in some cases until individuals are past 22. Don't be deterred just because you haven't grown taller in awhile.

  2. Impotence: Supplementing with hormones while you are still growing can potentially cause PERMANENT impotence and fertility issues in teenagers. When you add testosterone, estrogen and a wealth of other synthetic androgens to your body it can cause problems with your normal testicular growth and function. Remember, some of these effects are more than just temporary.

  3. Liver/Kidney Problems: You hear all the time teenagers say "Well my friends used it and they got big and nothing happened to them." Really? How do you know? Have they been to a doctor and had their liver and kidney values checked? Doubtful. Just because a person looks okay on the outside, doesn't mean that they could have a host of problems on the inside. Liver and kidney damage is nothing short of serious. This can occur even in people who are past their teen years.

  4. Gyno or "Bitch Tits": It is believed that using androgens in teens can really increase the risk of Gyno. Gyno has been known to happen naturally in many teenagers, because of already fluctuating hormones. When you add more hormones to the mix, you dramatically increase the problems. Remember that once you have Gyno, its very hard to get rid of unless you take the proper precautions up front.

  5. Hair Loss / Acne / Prostate Aggregation / etc: All of these can be increased and aggravated with external androgen use. Have you ever seen a 20 year old going bald? It's not pretty. Don't think it can't happen to you.

  6. Brain Function: It is well known that hormones play a role in development of cognitive brain function. Adding external hormones when your brain is still developing could be a disaster waiting to happen. How can you know many years down the road there won't be problems?

  7. Psychological Problems: Being a teenager can be difficult as it is. Getting used to your own body image can be hard if you feel you're different than everyone else. Many teenagers turn to bodybuilding to help improve that image, and that can be a very healthy thing. However, when a teenager becomes obsessed or is only after short term goals of getting ripped in 6 weeks then it can be a very serious problem when prohormones/steroids get in the mix.

  8. Abuse: There is a high potential for abuse when individuals turn to prohormones/steroids when they aren't mature enough to handle them. Most of these individuals had these substances recommended to them by friends with erroneous data presented to them on how to use them and how they work. We have seen teenagers claiming to never come off cycles. There is no reason to abuse your body like that. Never coming off hormones can have even greater risks than using them for the short term, such as halting normal hormone production permanently. 

Women & AAS

The side effects seen in women can be permanent - lower voice, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement. For this reason, AAS administration to women must be used very cautiously, if at all.
