Best rated products from Ice Pharmaceuticals

Ice Pharmaceuticals processes an extensive variety of oral and injectable medical products. This company provides performance and is a certificated drug manufacturer that provides grade products that are designed and processed by specialists and scientists, which means the certification and the execution of the items. Ice Pharmaceuticals items are produced under standard rules and the purchasers can be sure about the high performance of the medicines. 

From the last year statistic, the best rated and most popular products from ICE Pharmaceuticals are the following:

* Anastrozole

Anastrozole is a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor. 

Properties of Anastrozole

Arimidex’s effects on serum Estrogen level control can be quite drastic even at a dose of 1mg daily. The amount of Estrogen suppression resulting from this dose has been demonstrated to be over 80% in patients. 
Bodybuilders and athletes utilizing anabolic steroids will usually favor aromatase inhibitors such as Anastrozole for its ability to eliminate rising Estrogen levels at its root cause: aromatase. By disabling the aromatase enzyme, supraphysiological levels of aromatizable androgens cannot convert into Estrogen, thereby eliminating any possible risk of Estrogen-related side effects.

Anastrozole For Gynecomastia and Estrogen Control On-Cycle

For the purpose of Gynecomastia control and general on-cycle Estrogen control, Anastrozole is to be used at a general range of 0.5 – 1mg per day, and can be adjusted depending on the user’s tolerance and reaction to the compound. Everyone should adjust their Anastrozole dosage according to their individual response. It is not uncommon for 0.5mg/day to even be too much (or too little) for some. It should also always be remembered that the purpose here is Estrogen control during a cycle, not total elimination of Estrogen levels.

Anastrozole For Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

As Anastrozole has been shown in studies to assist in the generation of endogenous natural Testosterone production in males, an Anastrozole dosage of 0.5mg to 1mg per day should be sufficient for the duration of any PCT length.
Anastrozole possesses a half-life of approximately 48 hours, and it is important to also understand that peak blood plasma levels will not be achieved with Anastrozole until a full week (7 days) of consistent use is achieved. Anastrozole can also be taken at any time of day, with or without food.

* Cialis

Tadalafil is one of the more popular erectile dysfunction (ED) medications on the market and is most commonly associated with the brand name Cialis. It is very similar to the popular ED medication Viagra with the biggest difference being the drug’s active life. Cialis will produce erections for 36-48 hours from one single dose where Viagra is limited to 4-6 hours from one single dose. 

Cialis Functions and Traits

Cialis  as well as any generic brand of Tadalafil carries an active half-life of approximately 18 hours. Due to the long half-life and even longer active life, Cialis is commonly referred to as “The Weekend Pill”. It does not produce erections on its own, sexual stimulation must still exist, but it will ensure an erection can be maintained if blood flow issues were preventing it before.

It functions by increasing the blood flow to the penis. The penile arteries are relaxed and nitric oxide is released via the nerves to the endothelial cells into the penis. This action promotes the synthesis of cGMP thereby resulting in a fuller, stronger and longer lasting erection. Those who suffer from ED may do so in a way that prevents them from obtaining an erection or they may be able to obtain one but unable to maintain it due to poor penile blood flow. Cialis will remedy such blood flow issues.

Effects of Cialis

The effects of Cialis (positive effects) are very straightforward and primarily surround ED treatment. ED can be caused by the lack of blood flow into the penis, which Cialis can remedy. However, ED can also be caused by a low libido, which is more commonly due to improper hormone levels in the body, most commonly low testosterone. If a hormone problem exists yet blood flow is fine, Cialis will not remedy the ED issue nor will any PED5 medication. However, while it will remedy a blood flow issue, there are many men who need both issues addressed, blood flow and hormone.

* Clomiphene

Clomiphene is an antiestrogenic drug of nonsteroidal structure. It blocks estrogen-sensitive receptors and enhances the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, stimulating maturation of the follicles and the formation of the yellow body. In large doses it inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins. Also it promotes increased testosterone generation in men. In case of high concentration of estrogens it acts as an antiestrogen, and at a low concentration produces an estrogenic effect.

Do men also can take clomiphene?

Furthermore, Clomiphene can also be taken by men, but for completely different purposes. Both amateurs and professional athletes use this medication quite often. Athletes often use a variety of other chemicals, such as anabolic steroids, hCG, tamoxifen, thyroid hormones, etc. As opposed to other anabolic steroids or hormones, the drug does not lower testosterone level. Conversely by LH burst, it increases the level of testosterone.

Almost all anabolic steroids possess both androgenic and anabolic properties. In some cases, anabolic steroids contribute to the formation of estrogens. Facilitated by the enzyme the aromatase also turns into a female sex hormone, estrogen. Estrogen promotes the development of gynecomastia in bodybuilders. Although bodybuilders love to demonstrate their body hardly any of them will want to show a womanlike breast. Therefore, the medication is used to block the development of gynecomastia. By blocking the estrogen receptors, it prevents the development of gynecomastia caused by anabolic steroids.

How does it work in men?

When Clomiphene blocks estrogen receptors in the brain, the hypothalamus causes a LH and FSH burst – hormones release, which leads to an increase in sex hormones synthesis. LH and FSH also affect the testes, causing a further testosterone synthesis. Testosterone gives an athlete an additional impulse. Some bodybuilders take Clomiphene only to get an anabolic effect. Others use it in combination with other steroids and growth hormone.

Clomiphene is taken only once a day. Specialists in the field of bodybuilding are advised to take it alone or in combination with anabolic steroids of low activity. Most bodybuilders take anabolic steroids for several months and then switch to Clomiphene. The substance provides a burst of testosterone. The exact time when you should start taking the medicine cannot be told precisely. But still there is a recommendation to start taking it on 7th-10th day after the last day of taking steroid drugs.

* Tren Acetate

Trenbolone Acetate is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid and is considered the single greatest anabolic steroid by many performance enhancing athletes. This is one of the most versatile anabolic steroids on the market and can provide benefits quite unlike any other steroid.

Effects of Trenbolone Acetate:

* Muscle Growth
Trenbolone Acetate is a phenomenal off-season bulking steroid. When we refer to this hormonal compound as versatile, that is truly an accurate statement. There are very few anabolic steroids that can promote mass like Trenbolone Acetate. More importantly, the effects of Trenbolone Acetate in this regard are not only strong but are far cleaner than most traditional bulking steroids. This hormone will not and cannot promote water retention, meaning each and every pound of weight gained due to use will be lean muscle mass. Of equal importance will be this steroid’s ability to help the individual control fat gain during a period of growth.
* Cutting
During the cutting phase there is no anabolic steroid on earth as beneficial or as valuable as Trenbolone Acetate. This is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids available when it comes to the cutting phase and preserving lean tissue. During a diet, preserving lean tissue is one of the primary goals. The overall primary goal is losing body fat, but if lean muscle mass is not preserved, the diet cannot be deemed successful. By supplementing with Trenbolone Acetate, we ensure this doesn’t occur, ensure muscle mass is protected, and burn body fat at a higher and more efficient rate. The enhanced fat burning is due to the steroid’s ability to promote a more powerful metabolism and even promote direct fat loss due to the strong binding affinity to the androgen receptor. This steroid will have stronger conditioning effects like hardness, definition, and vascularity.
* Athletic Enhancement:
All who supplement with Trenbolone Acetate will also find this is one of the best anabolic steroids on earth for increasing strength. Those who supplement during a period of off-season growth will find tremendous increases in strength. However, even with maintenance level calories strength should still increase. During a caloric deficit, it is possible for a moderate strength increase to occur if the hormone is used early on in a diet.
* Enhanced Performance
Regardless of the purpose of use, all who supplement with Trenbolone Acetate will discover their muscular endurance is tremendously enhanced. This is a very common effect with numerous anabolic steroids, but perhaps a little stronger with Tren. Your muscles will not tire out as fast. However, some have reported that the use of the Trenbolone hormone tends to negatively affect their cardiovascular endurance, but this also appears to be a very individualistic type of thing. Regardless of this effect, muscular endurance will be enhanced as will the overall rate of recovery.

* Testosterone E

Testosterone Enanthate is one of the oldest and perhaps the most commonly used anabolic steroid of all time. Testosterone Enanthate is a slow acting release form of the testosterone hormone and would be the first large/long ester testosterone form used.

Effects of Testosterone Enanthate:

* Muscle Growth
For the off-season individual, there are very few anabolic steroids that can promote lean tissue growth like Testosterone Enanthate. The individual will be able to pack on raw size at a significant rate so as long as adequate calories are consumed. As you will be able to pack on a lot of size, as a bonus you will be able to do so with less body fat accumulation that would otherwise occur. High levels of testosterone will enhance the individual’s overall metabolic rate tremendously.
* Cutting
Then we have the cutting cycle and high levels of testosterone provided by Testosterone Enanthate can prove to be invaluable. In order to lose body fat we must burn more calories than we consume. A well planned diet will be designed to burn body fat not muscle, but as we become leaner the body will begin preserving the body fat due to its survival instinct and take what it needs from muscle tissue. By supplementing with Testosterone Enanthate, the pronounced enhancement of anabolic action will protect this lean tissue and ensure we only burn body fat. It will also see our metabolism greatly enhanced so that we burn body fat at a more efficient rate.
* Athletic Enhancement
For the performance enhancing athlete, the effects of Testosterone Enanthate will be highly versatile and will stretch across all aspects of performance. The direction you go will be dependent on your diet and training. This isn’t a bulking steroid or a cutting steroid; it is simply a steroid that can serve all purposes of supplementation. Endurance and recovery are two of the key elements to successful athletic performance. As an added bonus, high testosterone levels will increase the individual’s strength. This is obviously an advantage to an athlete and is very welcomed in an off-season cycle designed for physique enhancement.
* Enhanced Performance
High testosterone levels will result in greater muscular endurance. You will not tire out as fast and will have the ability to do more work. You will also find your overall rate of recovery is greatly improved, which is essential to progress.
