Odin Tri-Trenbolone US

Active substance: Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Trenbolone Enanthate
Other names: Tren Mix, Trenbolone Mix 150, Maxtren 200, Trinaxyl, Tritren 150, Tri-Trenabol
Active life: 10-12 days
Detection time: 7 months
Tren Mix is an extremely powerful Trenbolone blend containing three active Trenbolone compounds mixed together in a single unit.
Effects of TriTren:
* Muscle Growth
While Tren Mix is a fantastic cutting steroid some do not think of Trenbolone as a bulking steroid, but it’s one of the best. There are very few anabolic steroids that can pack on lean mass like Trenbolone. You may not gain as much weight that could accompany the use of other steroids, but often the extra weight is just water. Trenbolone does not aromatize meaning every last ounce of weight gained will be muscle tissue, and with adequate calories it will be significant. The individual should also find he gains less fat when using Tri-Trenabol during his off-season phase of training. Off-season growth requires excess calories and this can lead to fat gain; even with Trenbolone some fat gain may occur. However, if we do not overdo the excess consumption and supplement with steroids like Tri-Trenabol off-season body fat gain will be minimized. You should also find your strength increases dramatically during this phase of use.
* Cutting
Trenbolone is well known for being one of the single greatest cutting steroids of all time, and as a result, that’s when most will use Tren Mix. Its effects during this phase of use will equal the following: Preservation: Losing body fat requires a calorie deficit and this puts lean tissue at risk. Tri-Trenabol will protect your lean tissue that would otherwise be lost along with body fat without anabolic protection. Successful dieting is both of these factors, fat loss and tissue preservation.
Fat Loss: Due to the metabolic enhancement you will burn body fat at a higher and more efficient rate. Due to the strong binding to the androgen receptor, Tri-Trenabol will actually promote direct fat loss, not merely a spiked metabolism.
Conditioning: The effects of Tri-Trenabol are well known for promoting a harder and dryer physique, and one that is far more defined when the body is lean. Even if you are not bodybuilding contest lean you should notice a notable improvement in conditioning, but the leaner you are the stronger the look will be.
* Athletic Enhancement
The athletes should find that their strength increases dramatically when using this mix. Some have reported that cardiovascular endurance becomes a little weaker with this steroid, but this is also very hit or miss. It does not appear to affect everyone this way and many athletes have enjoyed success with Tri-Trenabol and other Trenbolone compounds. In fact, while it can reduce cardiovascular endurance, the fear of this is commonly exaggerated.
* Enhanced Performance
As with many steroids, Tren Mix will greatly improve muscular endurance and the overall rate of recovery. It is one of the best steroids on earth for recovery.
Side effects: no estrogenic side-effects, but as it is a progestin and progesterone has the ability to stimulate the estrogenic mechanism in the mammary tissue thereby promoting gynecomastia; acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness and body hair growth are likely; HDL cholesterol suppression and increases in LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure; virilization in women occurs even at low doses (body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords, clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities); reduced hepatotoxicity, pronounced testosterone supression.
How to use:
Tri-Trenabol doses will most commonly fall in the 150-300mg per week range. Many men will be able to tolerate 450mg per week but this will increase the risk of possible side effects. Most will want to start with 150mg per week and gauge their response. It is also important to keep in mind, as this is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid it will not take a lot to produce noticeable results. Regardless of your Tri-Trenabol dose, 8-12 weeks of use is common with most finding the 8 week range to be the most tolerable.
Because of the potential for virilization it is not recommended for women.
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