Hilma Turinabol

Active substance: Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone
Other names: Turanabol, Turabolan, Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, Turinabol, Icebol, Tureck, Turanaxyl, T-bol, Oral Turinabol
Active half-life: 16 hours
Detection time: 11-12 months
Turanabol is somewhat of a unique anabolic steroid. Specifically, this steroid is a cross between Methandrostenolone and Clostebol. This provides it a powerful anabolic action while at the same time minimizes its androgenic characteristics.
Effects of Turanabol:
* Muscle Growth
As an off-season bulking steroid, this is not what we would call phenomenal. It’s not going to provide you huge mass gains, but it can provide some decent growth. It is not comparable with Danabol or Anadrol, and it’s not going to build mass like Deca Durabolin, but it should still be notable and clean. The most important is that due to the fact that it doesn’t aromatize, all the gained weight will be lean mass.
* Cutting
As a cutting agent, this one can be a decent steroid. It’s probably a little more valuable in the cutting phase than in a true off-season cycle. It provides good protection against lean tissue loss and its users noticed an increase in hardness.Many find this is a great steroid to use at the frontend of a long cutting cycle and then once a little leaner to switch over to more powerful hardening agents.
* Athletic Enhancement:
No doubt, the effects of this steroid will be most valuable to the athletes. They should notice that strength is noticeably increased, which can directly translate into physical power and speed. It will improve the existing athlete's skills and results.
* Enhanced Performance
This steroid's use will obviously promote muscular endurance, the user won’t tire out as fast and also it should improve the overall rate of recovery. As the season wanes on, they should also find they have taken less of a beating and are closer to the physical peak they enjoyed at the beginning of the season. This would not occur without the anabolic protectant nature. However, the lean tissue protection and increases in endurance and recovery can prove invaluable during any phase of training.
Side effects: no estrogenic side-effects; androgenic side-efects occur at high dosages and consist of: aggression, roid rage, acne; HDL cholesterol suppression and increases in LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure occur only at high dosages; virilization in women (body hair growth, a deepening of the vocal chords, clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities occur, but not always, it depends on dosage and personal sensitivity); medium hepatotoxicity, mild testosterone supression.
How to use:
For males, standard doses will normally variate between 15 and 40mg per day range. This is obviously a wide gap in total dosing, but a mere 15-20mg per day can provide some nice effects. For a real anabolic effect, most men will find doses in the 40mg per day range to be far more beneficial. Total use will normally be 6-8 weeks and should not exced 8 weeks in order to minimize the hepatic strain. It stacks well with any and all anabolic steroids but should not be used in conjunction with another C17-aa steroid.
Females usually have dosages around 2.5-5mg per day range. Virilization is highly unlikely with such doses but is almost assured with doses that surpass 5mg per day. Standard female cycle will last 4-6 weeks. Other steroids that can be included in female plans could include Anavar or Primobolan Depot but Anavar should not be used at the same time as Turanabol due to its similar C17-aa nature.
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