Active substance: Somatropin
Other names: HGH, Tropin, Somatropin, Genotropin,Humatrope, Nutropin, OmniTropeActive half-life: 2.5-3 hours
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is not only one of the most beneficial hormones our body produces, but one of the most sought after in exogenous form. In an exogenous form, HGH is identical to the naturally produced hormone, and represents not only one of the most beneficial exogenous hormones but one of the most well-tolerated among men and women. Its high level of toleration applies not only to medicinal use but performance enhancement as well.
fEffects of Somatropin:
The effects of Human Growth Hormone are nothing short of tremendous. Through supplementation of Somatropin, we can see improvements in numerous areas of our physical wellbeing, and in some cases, they can be dramatic. In a therapeutic setting, HGH is most commonly used to treat pituitary dwarfism in children or to combat an HGH deficiency in adults. This could be caused by pituitary cancer or simply be due to a lacking of production that commonly occurs with age. HGH is also used to treat those with HIV or AIDS, and has proven extremely beneficial in numerous muscle wasting conditions. Synthetic HGH has also proven beneficial to burn victims, short bowel syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome, but its most common purpose of use is as an anti-aging medication. When we look at the effects of HGH, it won’t be too hard to see how it can greatly improve the effects of aging.
In a performance setting, HGH has rapidly become one of the most sought after hormones on the market. It is tremendously anabolic; however, when used alone and at a moderate dose it is not well-known for promoting truly massive growth. For true performance related growth, the individual will normally need to use it in conjunction with anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids and HGH appear to work in perfect harmony with one another. However, even when used alone Human Growth Hormone will promote recovery far greater than most any exogenous hormone, as well as carry a pronounced positive effect on the metabolism. As it pertains to healing, HGH carries tremendous healing properties that can be beneficial to nearly all areas of the human body.
Human Growth Hormone has in recent years been deemed the fountain of youth, and as we look at the effects of HGH it’s not too hard to see why. Will it prevent aging? Absolutely not, but it can undoubtedly make the aging process far more manageable. In short, there are very few healthy adults who would not benefit from HGH supplementation, and this includes not only in a performance setting but in all walks of life. To give you a direct understanding or appreciation, the effects of Human Growth Hormone can include the following in both men and women: decreased body fat, enhanced ability to maintain proper body fat levels, a tighter physique, enhanced metabolic rate, enhanced sense of wellbeing, healthier skin, improved sleeping patterns, increased bone strength, increased energy, increased joint strength, increased lean tissue growth, increased rate of physical recovery, increased tendon strength.
Side effects:
excess water retention, joint pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, hypothyroidism, nausea, dizziness, respiratory infection, numbness of the skin, irritated injected area. HGH abuse can lead to enlarged hands, feet and jaw, and more severally to the enlargement of internal organs, short-term type-2 diabetes.
How to use:
Human Growth Hormone is an injectable hormone that can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. When injected subcutaneously, HGH carries a bioavailability of approximately seventy-five percent. When injected intramuscularly, HGH carries a bioavailability of approximately sixty-three percent. The mode of administration will also affect the half-life of the Somatropin hormone. When injected subcutaneously, it will carry a half-life of approximately 3.8 hours. When injected intramuscularly, it will carry a half-life of approximately 4.9 hours. While this is a rather short half-life regardless of the mode of administration, keep in mind the total effects far outlast these numbers due to the pronounced and significant increases in IGF-1 production that stretch far past the twenty-four hour mark.
In a therapeutic setting, male Human Growth Hormone doses will normally fall in the 1-3iu per day range. Some may receive as much as 4iu’s per day, but this is rare. For the female patient, Human Growth Hormone doses will normally fall in the 1-2iu per day range. In some cases, the dose may be slightly less than 1iu per day, which can be common in long term anti-aging plans.
For the performance enhancing athlete, there can be a wide range of HGH doses. For male athletes, 2-4iu per day is most common, and can be extremely beneficial to athletes as well as those who are physique minded. Such a dose will promote fat loss and all the recovery and rejuvenation traits associated with the hormone. When coupled with anabolic steroids, due to the synergy created between HGH and anabolic steroids, you will see the standard steroid cycle greatly enhanced. The standard anabolic steroid cycle becomes far more beneficial. For the female HGH user, the same traits and benefits can be obtained with 1-2iu per day.
While the above doses will provide a tremendous benefit, in a performance setting in order to achieve truly remarkable muscle tissue growth the total dose will need to be increased. Most men will need 6-8iu’s per day and for a very long period of time. More can be used, and more will provide greater results, but it will also greatly exasperate the potential for negative side effects. Females who wish to approach true growth benefits will need to approach the 3-4iu per day range.
Regardless of the total dosing, Human Growth Hormone is not something that produces fast results. The hormone will be relatively useless if only used for a short period of time. In order to promote fat loss and enhance recovery, at minimum the individual will need 8-12 weeks of use with 16 weeks being far more effective. For true anabolic growth, the individual will need to plan on continuous HGH therapy at a decent dose for a minimum of six months. In a therapeutic setting, specifically anti-aging, total use will be indefinite. Most plans will call for continuous therapy or at least therapy that last the majority of the year.
5+ | 10+ | 20+ |
$38.00 | $36.00 | $33.00 |
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